CPF Life Payout-Return Calculator online

Annuity / CPF Life Return CalculatorTabulation example

Online Calculator for CPF Life's Return / Annuity

Contact: make-money-secrets.blogspot.com

Retirement Acct $ at Age 65 (negative value!))
Bequest $ payout when you died
Number of Months you will live from Age 65
Monthly payout $ you received
Interest Rate per period, %
Interest Rate per Year, % (Your Annuity Return p.a.)
Payment At: Beginning End

(a) To calculate interest rate for default input values: Press "ir" button to calculate interest rate for default values!
(b) To compute for other unknown value: Type in four known values (in yellow shaded box), then press one of the buttons at the right to compute the unknown value. (E.g., to solve an example problem to compute "Future Value", press the "fv" button above)
(c) Always remember that money you paid out (put) into annuity should have negative value , while money you received should have positive value! (That is to say, "Present Value" must have negative value, while "Future Value" and "Payment Amount" must be positive values!)
(d) Note: If you are not getting any computed result for computing "ir", try varying the value keyed into "Interest Rate per period, %"!
(e) Also enter the interest rate per period (not per year). Don't enter any value into the blue shaded box!

To compute how much you will have at Age 65 Years old, use the below calculator:
DescriptionData Entry
CPF Life Amount at 55 years old ($)
CPF Life Amount at 65 years old ($)Calculated
Note: Enter only numeric values (no commas),
using decimal points where needed.
The amount at Age 65 is computed based on interest rate for CPF Retirement Account
of 6% for first $30k, 5% for next $30k, and 4% for remaining amount.

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